Wednesday, 22 September 2010

News Content of the 'Citizen'

News Content of the “The Citizen”

By researching the front cover of “The Citizen” I have created the pie chart above which is based on how much of the front cover is advertisement and stories. On the front cover of newspapers we often see the main headline of the week which will be the main attraction to the readers, so therefore the majority of the front cover is based on the main headliner and minor stories to lure the targeted audience into purchasing the paper. 75% of the cover will be headlining stories and the rest advertisements which are placed to tempt readers.

   The second page of a newspaper is usually the carryon of the main headliner previously on the front cover. The story is mainly expressed within the front cover and with the last insignificant details revealed on the following page. This page is fairly split with advertisements that will exert a pull on the reader and encourage them to further their read.
Following through the paper the readers will come to the third page which generally contains the finalized small stories printed on the front cover. The page will follow up the stories and conclude them with the full account.

However, the percentage of stories seems to decrease slowly as the paper continues. By the eighth page stories are of 20% with advertisements captivating the greater part of the page. Readers will tend to flick through the paper to the property or sports page which is why the main stories are at the front where people are most likely to read and as the paper progresses advertisements take over. 

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